Contact Us

Before Contacting Us

We have compiled a list of questions that customers often ask. Please refer to our FAQs before contacting us.


We are open 365 days. You can find the business hours of each shop at Shop Information.

You can place an order for the products that are not listed on the site, as long as we carry those products.
Please place an order using Contact Form.

Once you submit your order, our system will send you an automated message on the receipt of your order.
If you have not received our e-mail, please check the following possibilities.

  • Because of incorrect e-mail address
    →You may have entered a different e-mail address at the time of your membership registration. If this is the case, please re-register as a new member.
  • Because of Junk mail settings
    →Please check your spam or junk mail folder. A spam filter could be blocking e-mails from ANA DUTY FREE SHOP. Please change the filter settings to allow our e-mail address so that future e-mails from us will not be blocked.
  • When a mobile phone email address was used in registration but domain left unspecified
    →Please set up your mobile phone to accept the following domain.

Your order details can be checked with the list of My Orders on My Page.

Taxes and duties on products sold in the DUTY FREE shops in the departure area are waived under the condition that customers will take their purchase out of Japan by themselves. Therefore, you cannot have your purchase sent to other locations in either Japan or other countries. Your understanding is appreciated.

Contact Us

You can make an inquiry using the following form.

Please understand may take time for the reply.

Service Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 (7 days a week)