Color : 09 Moody Rosewood Size : 4g Limited to 6 pieces per person
Duty-free price : ¥3,500
Reservation required
Color:11 Urban BourbonSize:4.0g
Color:12 Mulberry StreetSize:4.0g
Color:EX-07 Spiced WineSize:4.0g
Color:01 Peach FogSize:4g
Color:02 Demure PinkSize:4g
Color:03 Nocturnal FantasySize:4g
Color:04 Utopian RoseSize:4g
Color:05 Ginger TangerineSize:4g
Color:07 Crimson GlorySize:4g
Color:08 Twilight MahoganySize:4g
The prices indicated on this website are the prices as of today. Please note that if there is a price change after you order, the list price on the day of your purchase will be applied.
Reservations that do not match the airport and flight number will be cancelled.※Find the date you can start to pre-order goods.
Feb 12, 2025~Feb 23, 2025
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